Nearly 274,000 passengers passed through Tallinn Airport in May
A total of 273,996 passengers passed through Tallinn Airport in May, a rise of 22% on the same period last year. Average flight capacity during the month was 75%, representing an increase of 4% on May 2022.
The airline which served the highest number of passengers during the month was airBaltic, with a market share of 28% and a choice of 16 destinations. It was followed by Ryanair (15%) and Lufthansa and Finnair (both 9%). Direct flights from Tallinn on regular routes were available to 32 destinations in May. Charter flights also operated, primarily taking passengers to the resort of Antalya on Turkey’s Mediterranean coast, but also to holiday destinations in Montenegro, Tunisia, Egypt and the Greek islands of Crete and Corfu.
AS Tallinna Lennujaam board member Eero Pärgmäe says May saw the launch of a number of new routes. “AirBaltic began operating its seasonal flights from Tallinn to Split and Dubrovnik in Croatia and to Rhodes and Iraklion in Greece,” he explained. “The airline also began flying again to Berlin and Oslo. Direct flights to Athens with Aegean resumed in mid-May as well. Flight capacity has increased alongside flight numbers, with strong demand for tickets in both economy and business class.”
Pärgmäe added that since the airport is about to enter its busiest period, passengers should arrive at least two hours before departure so as to avoid delays and the risk of missing their flight. “That will give you plenty of time to check in and get through security and passport control,” he said. “You can then grab a meal or do a little shopping before your flight, or simply relax at your gate. Before you travel, of course, we recommend that you make sure your ID card or passport are valid and that you meet all the requirements of the country you’re flying to.”
A total of 5526 passengers passed through regional airports in Estonia in May, the majority of them in Kuressaare (3617). However, the biggest rise in passenger numbers occurred in Kärdla, which served a record 1507 passengers. Tartu Airport welcomed 233 travellers, while 169 passed through Pärnu, where NyxAir launched flights to Helsinki on 25 May.