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Travelling with children

Find tips and services for families to enjoy a relaxed journey.

All children, including infants, must have a valid travel document!

Good to know

Find out all about how to kick off a smooth family trip.

Prams and push chairs

Normally, prams must be checked in as baggage and handed over at the check-in desk. For some flights, you may be allowed to use your own pram or stroller until you reach the gate but you have to make sure you agree on this at the check-in desk. Tallinn Airport passenger terminal has strollers for the really wee ones and older toddlers alike.

Important! As some aircraft are boarded using stairs, we recommend passengers travelling alone with small children to notify airport employees in advance if they need assistance moving on the stairs with a child and their hand baggage.

Bringing baby food

When travelling with a baby, you are allowed to take the food your baby needs during the flight on board the aircraft. The food may also be in a container larger than 100 ml, such as a flask with water or a feeding bottle with milk or baby formula. You also don’t have to place the baby food in a transparent plastic bag.

You can also carry solid baby food, e.g. various purées, in your hand baggage. Still, you should be prepared for the container being opened for sampling at the security control.

Baby changing rooms

The passenger terminal has rooms furnished with baby changing facilities next to the toilets. There are a total of 8 of these rooms scattered around the terminal, all marked correspondingly.

Travelling when pregnant

We recommend that pregnant passengers ask their airline or the representative who sold them the ticket for detailed requirements for pregnant passengers before flying as these may vary from one airline to another.When purchasing the ticket, you have to present a pregnancy card or other similar medical document.A pregnancy card must be presented when flying during 34th or 35th week of your pregnancy.The flight duration of any part of the flight cannot exceed 4 hours. The doctor must issue the pregnancy card no more than 10 days before departure. The card must indicate the number of pregnancy weeks and the doctor must confirm that the pregnant woman is allowed to fly.As of the 36th week of pregnancy, pregnant women are not allowed to fly, meaning that the return flight must take place before the 36th week of pregnancy.

New-borns are not recommended to fly (if born on term) within the first seven days after birth.

Children travelling unaccompanied

Children are allowed to travel alone when they reach the age of 12. If necessary, airport and airline employees will ensure that the children’s travels are smooth and stress-free. You should, nevertheless, check your airline’s policy before travelling because there could always be exceptions (e.g. Ryanair aircraft have an age limit of 16). It is also recommended that you always have your child carry documented parental consent that the child is allowed to travel alone.

Additionally, most airlines have an Unaccompanied Minor service where the airline takes responsibility for a child aged 5-11 getting on board the aircraft and being delivered to the destination. If you wish to use this service, you should notify the airline well in advance. In most countries, written parental consent containing information on where and when the child will travel and the necessary contact details is sufficient to have a child travel alone. There are, however, countries where notarised parental consent is required. When in doubt, you should review the immigration requirements of the respective destination country.

Further information on travelling with children is available on the website of the Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the website Reisi targalt.

Important! Different airlines may have different requirements and conditions. We recommend that travellers contact the airline or the representative who sold their ticket to be aware of such requirements and conditions.

At the airport with kids

The passenger terminal has a children’s playground inspired by Lottemaa theme park.  The Lottemaa Playground is located next to the Gate 5.

The centrepiece of the Lotte Playground is the three-storey Lotte house for children to climb on and slide off. Children can enjoy cartoons shown on the wall of the house while sitting in comfortable bean bags. The desks next to the house have drawing paper and coloured pencils for children to relieve any travel anxiety and have fun while waiting for their flight.

Come to the airport early so that the smaller members of your family could fully enjoy your trip from the get-go!

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