AS Tallinna Lennujaam – operating airports and beyond
Group companies contribute to development of airport business and infrastructure.
5 airports, 2 airfields and 2 subsidiaries
AS Tallinna Lennujaam together with its subsidiaries AS Tallinn Airport GH and AS Airport City make up Tallinn Airport Group. The sole owner of AS Tallinna Lennujaam is the Republic of Estonia and the company operates in the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Climate. The founder and shareholder of AS Tallinn Airport GH and AS Airport City is AS Tallinna Lennujaam.
AS Tallinna Lennujaam is the operator and developer of airports in Estonia. The aim of the Company’s activities is to provide international air connections that contribute to the development of Estonian business and tourism and increase competitiveness as a result. AS Tallinn Airport GH provides ground handling services to passengers and aircrafts, AS Airport City provides real estate developing and managing services, both supporting the goals of the Group.
Business activities
- operation of Tallinn, Kuressaare, Kärdla, Pärnu and Tartu airports and Kihnu and Ruhnu airfields;
- airfield and air navigation services;
- ground handling of aircraft, passengers and cargo;
- real estate development.
Management and Values
The mission of Tallinn Airport Group is to connect Estonia with the world. Our vision is to be the most attractive airport in Europe and our key values are being reliable, open and caring.
The strategic goals of Tallinn Airport Group include connecting Estonia with the world both concerning movement of people and cargo, being an attractive airport for passengers, companies, partners and talents, operating airports in a safe and secure manner, being responsible in our activities towards the natural environment and managing operations in cost-efficient, profitable and responsible manner, in addition, the properties owned by the company are valued and earn income.
The principles of Corporate Governance Code are implemented in all our activities.
Our principles
In its activities, the company abides by the following principles:
- The company’s business activities are sustainable, benefitting the owner as well as domestic and foreign clients and society as a whole. The company contributes to the development of the country’s economic environment.
- The company communicates with stakeholders transparently and regularly informs the public of the effects of its activities.
- The company develops infrastructure with an eye to the future, ensuring the necessary capacity of aircraft, passenger, and freight handling in the future based on Estonia’s economic development.
- The company prefers and considers innovative, efficient and environmentally friendly solutions in developing infrastructure, processes, services and technologies.
Primary objectives for the Group The sole shareholder of the company the Republic of Estonia has set objectives for the Group.
- The Company will maintain and increase air traffic.
- The Company’s operations will be profitable and efficient.
- The Company will operate in a sustainable and responsible manner (safety and environmental sustainability).
- The Company will operate regional airports to support the development of the economic environment in various regions of Estonia using the grants received from the state.
Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board supervises the activities of the Management Board and participates in making important decisions. The Supervisory Board operates independently in the best interests of the group and the shareholder.
The Supervisory Board establishes the group’s strategy, general plan of action, risk management principles and the annual budget.
The members of the Supervisory Board as of August 2023:
- André Küüsvek (Chairman of the Supervisory Board)
- Tarmo Karotam
- Dr. Michael Kerkloh
- Anne Samlik
- Jaak Viilipus
Management board
Group is represented and its day-to-day business is managed by a management board consisting of five members. The day-to-day business is managed by Riivo Tuvike, Chairman of the Management Board, Anneli Turkin for financial, quality and risk management, Katrin Hagel for passenger and airport services and Eero Pärgmäe for the area of commerce.
The management board represents and manages the day-to-day activities of the Group in accordance with the requirements of law and the Articles of Association. The management board is required to act in the most economically purposeful manner. In its decisions, the management board is guided by the best interests of the company and the shareholder, and committed to ensuring the sustainable development of the company in line with the established objectives and strategy.
Structure of Tallinn Airport Group and the Airport Community
The airport community unites more than 80 companies with more than 2000 employees operating within the airport’s territory. The airport community recognizes that each employee contributes to the end result and is responsible for creating a positive overall image for the airport.
You can look into the corporate structure here.
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More than 600 people with mission dedicate their skills to connecting Estonia with the world