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It's 13:58 in Estonia and 4.6 °C

Contacts of Tartu Airport

Passenger information

Special assistance services, Lost & Found

Address: Lennu tn 44, Reola küla, Kambja vald, 61707, Tartu county

Rental premises, Airport Operations Manager – Roman Kulikov

Advertising at the airport

Media enquiries

Ground handling orders and enquiries:


Jet-A1 and Avgas 100 LL refueling service are provided by AS Tallinna Lennujaam. Please contact by e-mail roman.kulikov[at]

Flight Preparation and Operational Aviation Information

  • Phone: (+372) 625 8293, 605 8905
  • Fax: (+372) 625 8280, 625 8206, 601 6096
  • E-mail: nof[at]

Self-Briefing is located on the ground floor of the passenger terminal and marked with a letter „C“.