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It's 02:49 in Estonia and -10.9 °C

Ground handling orders and enquiries at Kuressaare Airport


Rounded up to nearest upper ton limit
Non-passenger crew members

Arrival & Departure

Please enter a number greater than or equal to 0.
Excluding crew members on duty
Arrival date(Required)
Arrival time UTC(Required)

Please enter a number greater than or equal to 0.
Excluding crew members on duty
Departure date(Required)
Departure time UTC(Required)


Name on card or legal body
Only if applicable


Additional charges may apply. Different services available only at certain airports.
Security charge 0.00
Not available
This field is required
Please review the following fields for price calculation: departing passengers
Parking fee 0.00
Not available
This field is required
Please review the following fields for price calculation: arrival, departure, MTOW
Passenger chargePer departing passenger 0.00
Not available
This field is required
Please review the following fields for price calculation: departing passengers
Basic Ground handling service*Applicable for Charter, Private (From MTOW 47,000kg), Fuel stop, Positioning, Technical, Diversions, Cargo, Military and State flights 0.00
Not available
This field is required
Elite handling package* Only applicable for private jets (Up to MTOW 47,000kg) with VIP Lounge order (Elite package price does not include VIP Lounge) 0.00
Not available
This field is required
Standard package* Only applicable for private jets (Up to MTOW 47,000kg) with passenger handling through main terminal 0.00
Not available
This field is required
Landing fee 0.00
Not available
This field is required
Please review the following fields for price calculation: MTOW (tons)
Passenger fee 0.00
Not available
This field is required
Please review the following fields for price calculation: departing passengers
Passengers with disabilities charge 0.00
Not available
This field is required
Please review the following fields for price calculation: departing passengers
Parking fee 0.00
Not available
This field is required
Please review the following fields for price calculation: arrival, departure, MTOW
Aircraft handling and ramp handling infrastructure charge 0.00
Not available
This field is required
Please review the following fields for price calculation: MTOW (tons)
Passenger and baggage service infrastructure charge*Only applicable with basic ground handling 0.00
Not available
This field is required
Please review the following fields for price calculation: departing passengers
Aircraft interior cleaningPer Call 0.00
Not available
This field requires a positive value or 0.
Crew transport on the ramp*Only applicable with basic ground handlingPer 30min 0.00
Not available
This field requires a positive value or 0.
Litter disposalPer Call 0.00
Not available
This field requires a positive value or 0.
Ground Power Unit28V/115VPer 30min 0.00
Not available
This field requires a positive value or 0.
Push-backPer procedure 0.00
Not available
This field requires a positive value or 0.
Passenger stairsPer 30min 0.00
Not available
This field requires a positive value or 0.
Toilet servicePer access point 0.00
Not available
This field requires a positive value or 0.
Water servicePer access point 0.00
Not available
This field requires a positive value or 0.
HeaterPer 30min 0.00
Not available
This field requires a positive value or 0.
Air start supplyPer Call 0.00
Not available
This field requires a positive value or 0.
Crew city transportUp to 7 seatsPer one-way non-stop service 0.00
Not available
This field requires a positive value or 0.
Basic ground handling service 0.00
Not available
This field is required
Please review the following fields for price calculation: MTOW (tons)
Landing fee 0.00
Not available
This field is required
Please review the following fields for price calculation: MTOW (tons)
Passenger chargePer departing passenger 0.00
Not available
This field is required
Please review the following fields for price calculation: departing passengers
Passengers with disabilities chargePer departing passenger 0.00
Not available
This field is required
Please review the following fields for price calculation: departing passengers
Parking fee 0.00
Not available
This field is required
Please review the following fields for price calculation: arrival, departure, MTOW
Passenger and baggage serviceDeparting PAXPer departing passenger 0.00
Not available
This field requires a positive value or 0.
Passenger and baggage serviceArriving PAXPer arriving passenger 0.00
Not available
This field requires a positive value or 0.
Man powerPer Hour/Call 0.00
Not available
This field requires a positive value or 0.
Litter/waste removal from the aircraftPer flight 0.00
Not available
This field is required
Power supply220VPer Hour/Call 0.00
Not available
This field requires a positive value or 0.
Ground Power Unit28V/115VPer Hour/Call 0.00
Not available
This field requires a positive value or 0.
HeaterPer Hour/Call 0.00
Not available
This field requires a positive value or 0.
Passenger/technical stairsPer Hour/Call 0.00
Not available
This field requires a positive value or 0.
Lavatory servicePer Call 0.00
Not available
This field requires a positive value or 0.
Catering upliftPer Call 0.00
Not available
This field requires a positive value or 0.
Escort on the rampPer Hour/Call 0.00
Not available
This field requires a positive value or 0.
Crew city transport (up to 6 seats)Price to be requested 0.00
Not available
This field is required
Customs and immigrationPrice to be requested 0.00
Not available
This field is required
HangarPrice to be requested 0.00
Not available
This field is required
Airport opening outside official operating hours (Summer 2h)Per Call 0.00
Not available
This field is required
Airport opening outside official operating hours (Winter 3h)Per Call 0.00
Not available
This field is required
Delivery of MET and/or ATSPer Call 0.00
Not available
This field requires a positive value or 0.
Hotel bookingPer booking 0.00
Not available
This field requires a positive value or 0.
Manual snow removalPer call 0.00
Not available
This field requires a positive value or 0.

Additional information

Pricing overview

All prices are given without value added tax (VAT)
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This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.